Huwebes, Hulyo 25, 2013


            Hooray for a cancelled quiz!  Yes, you can celebrate with me, I know you feel what I feel when a quiz is cancelled. Seriously, I was really or should I say  we were really glad when Ms. Princess announced us that the quiz was cancelled!  ( oh yeah! ) Because I wasn't prepared or should I say again,  we weren't prepared. Okay, go ahead think of us as some lazy students but we just didn't easily understand the lesson right away. We've learned slope already but when it was applied to Economics I was like "oh my gosh what is slope again?  I don't remember it " We rant to Ms. Princess that we're still in the processing mode. So she explained it again and gave us some SW. By that time, I'm actually getting it. You know, I really adore Ms. Princess. Because when we said that we still didn't get it, she's willing to help us understand. No trace of irritation or annoyance etched on her face. Only patience and understanding. Even though we're in the star section (which is the trouble anyway ) she didn't expect us to always easily understand it right away. Because some teachers when we don't get it, for me, I think they will get irritated, have shock  and impatient look mark on their beautiful faces. Since we're in the "star section" they're expecting extravagant intelligence on us. Seriously? We're still normal students that have the decency to not get the lessons right away because we're not some totally advance freak students who always ace at everything. Hey, don't get me wrong but I'm not saying that I hate being in the star section, actually, I love everything about it except for the attitude of some teachers when they hear the word "star section". Anyways, that's  when it hit me that she's not that bad after all. After our SW,  we discussed about natural resources in the Philippines. We even had another SW but with a partner. We're asked to enumerate some natural resources in the Philippines and have to label it if it's Land, Fisheries and Aquatic and Mineral resources. 

       There are three classifications of Natural resources these are: land, fisheries and aquatic and mineral resources. It greatly affects the economic activity because it is needed for the source of food, fuel, medicine, construction materials and other materials used in production. Yeah I know, it's all cliches. But it is good that I recall these again to remind me to conserve the natural resources so that we can still preserve and use these for the future.  

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